Friday 31 March 2017

Poem - 2 - Aborted Foetus

Those congratulating calls
Those blessing showers
Their loving gestures
Though remembrance in vague
But enough to embrace in me
An excite to meet this world

But soon confused was I
On why the addressal of ‘he’ to me?
I kept telling them
I am a ‘she’
But only to go unheard !!

The bribed doctor broke their beliefs
For love to turn into loathe
I sobbed within
For I knew only days remained
No more in her womb
But they let me fall
Beneath this mud
For worms to feed on me

Before I died
I did realise
The unacceptable difference with me
That I was a SHE!

By an aborted fetus
A martyr of female foeticide

- Nileena Thomas    

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