Tuesday 7 March 2017

A few words about our Blog

Dear friends,

A few words about our blog.
A) to highlight women's problems, issues from feminist perspective
B) to discuss about feminist thought and perspective on all issues
C) to rebuild history on feminist thought
D) to bring to light the history of women's movements world over with special reference to India
E) to give life and struggles of women thinkers & activists
F) to break the myths related to women, women's role, women's movement and issues

Form of the content - The content will be in the form of articles, stories, poems, drama, pictures, cartoons, humor etc. Everything is related to women and it upholds the equality, liberty & dignity of women.
Language - We are using both English and Kannada Languages
At present it is monthly magazine
This is a broad platform for women's cause. Anyone can send the articles to the blog. The decision of the Editorial Board is final in publishing the articles.

Editorial Board

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