Monday 8 May 2017

POEM - The Adorable She

Pals lent her their sympathies
Medias, their exaggerations
Political figures, their promises
Public, their recognitions
Her mom, devastated she sat
And her dad, half dead
Out from the blue
Was she known everywhere
More infamous than famous !
For now was she gang raped
By a bunch of masked devils
Their identities unknown
Their lives uninterrupted
Walking free and unrecognized
Amidst all media’s hyped haul
Having tasted her body
With the least of her consent
Having torn her deep
With the least of humanity
Some wished for her to live
For they loved her
While some prayed for her to die
For they too loved her
Finally out from the ventilator
Ending the life death struggle
With life taking the lead
She breathes in consciousness
I held her palms in silence
And looked blank onto her eyes
Few minutes of talk
And walk out did I adoring her
For see did I
More life in her than me
Her words kept echoing in my head
“Inhuman the act
Horrifying the memories"
But live will I without an inch of regret.
They could  tear only my body
But failed to leave a scar on my soul
And not even a touch on my spirit!!”


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