Tuesday 12 September 2017

Poem - Yes I am a Prostitute

Dragged out to the light
With hands shackled
And mind shattered !

It was a raid on the hotel
But was it a rob on her life!

Press gave their statements
And people,their judgements !

Her character was demeaned
Her culture,derogated
Her family,dishonoured
And she stood devastated

But one day
The frustrated heart had to speak up

“Where were all of you that day
When I stood with my child crying
And my husband's pyre burning?”

“Where were all of you those days
When I begged around for help
And returned with a hungry stomach
And a starving child?”

“Where were all of you that day
When I lost my sick child too
The day I lost everything that was mine ?”

“Where were all of you all those days
When I walked homeless
And I turned clueless?” 

“And one fine day you come,
The cultured good society,
To question me?”

“Yes I am a Prostitute
A mother again
And yes his father, unknown”

“Can you help a change?”

Silence remained
With only her footsteps heard !

  -   Nileena Thomas

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