Sunday 20 August 2017

Poem - Beyond a piece of cloth

May I be in burkha
Or may I be in shorts
Can any ensure me,
A lone walk in a safe night?

May I be an old
Or may I be an infant
Can any assure me
An escape from rapes?

And what do you blame?
The Deeper necks or smaller tops?
Longer slits or shorter skirts?
High heels or torn jeans?
Lipstick shades or tattooed arms?

Dear educated and uneducated conservatists,
Do realise
I am beyond a piece of cloth
In fact much beyond!

      - Nileena Thomas


  1. Veey simple but has loads of depth nice poem madam

  2. Greetings from the UK. I enjoyed reading. Sorry for your troubles.

    Thank you. Love love, Andrew. Bye.
