Sunday 11 June 2017


It was so real
 Her screams, her shouts The men, the mob
My chats, my calls
Their slaps, their smacks
Every moment I remember fresh
Every talk I recall precise
 Every scream I hear exact
Every move I see clear

Real, not just did it seem But real did it feel
Though not really was it real!!
She was harmed
And held were we But held by what?
Nobody knows what

Look did we, but just it, did we 
Pity did we, but just it, did we
Pained was she, though had it to be we 
Sole was she, though had it not to be 
Scream did she, stare did we
Cry did she, listen did we 
Hit did they, look did we

How could I? How could you? How could we?
If was she your sister
 If was she your mother                        
If was she your friend
If was she your girl

Would we have stayed back the same?
Though a disturbing dream
Yet a very questioning one
Only wondering how even in dreams
Did the crowd stay passive
Keeping the real reality of today's apart!!

    - Nileena Thomas 

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